
Thank you for your support!
We gratefully accept PayPal, checks or money orders.

Please send your paper donations to the following address:
P.O. Box 222
Corte Madera, CA 94976
C.A.R.E is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Donation of the following items needed & greatly appreciated.
Operational Donations:
Case Management Software Implementation
Grant Writing
Fund Raising
Location for assessments and consultations
Location for classes, trainings and workshops
Location for short-term residential programs
Ongoing Donations:
Paper Plates/Cups
Plastic Utensils
3-ring binders (1, 2, and 3inch)
Notebook paper
Pens and Pencils
Index cards
Art Paper
Art Supplies:
- Charcoals
- Pastels
- Crayons
- Pens -
Cleaning supplies
Other Donations:
Large TV monitor
LapTop computers
Folding chairs
Folding tables
Coffee Urns
Hot Water Urns